Ancient Indian Science - In this article on ancient Indian Scientists. I will take you in ancient India.

Vishguru Bharat. In this post, I will show you how prosperous India was in its ancient era - When west was not knowing to establish civilizations Our Ancient Sages (Rishis and Munis) were busy in solving mathematical and Astronomical problems - Solving the mysteries of Space. How some unprecedent inventions took place in India but how Europeans and the west people took their credit for themselves? Why Indian people are not counted in most wisest list of countries? Why Indians get lesser noble prizes? How Europeans converted this land of Sages to the land of Ordinary People? How western culture is ruining our India's future? How India will become Vishguru?

So Let's get started and let me tell you the truth!!!!!!!!!!

Vishguru Bharat


It is true that India was a Vishguru in its Golden age. Now you may think about Golden age of India. I am referring to the time of B.C.E. (before Commom Era) and 1500 years after it when Babur invaded the India in 1526 and fought battle of Panipat paving the way to the root of Mughal Empire in India but there were also countless warriors, philosophers and Freedom Fighters in the era of Mughal but then came the rule of Britishers (18th, 19th and a half of 20th century) which ruined the Golden Bird. I will show you how but first let's talk about how India can be called Vishguru?

India's ancient times Prosperity

As I informed you that India was the land of Sages in its Golden time. 

What is a Sage? 

Sage is called a Rishi (ऋषि) is a term for an accomplished and enlightened person. Post-Vedic tradition of Hinduism regards the rishis as "great yogis" who after intense meditation (tapasya) realized the supreme truth and eternal knowledge.

Role of these Sages in Indian Society?

As I told you that Sage is a person who is enlightened by the supreme truth of the life i.e. GOD and they symbolise devotion (Bhakti).

There behaviour included some superhuman signs i.e. Love, affection, Peace-Loving, Kindness. They used to win against their inner evils i.e. desires & Anger and this is the legacy of the Sages. 

Their Seven Chakras were activated due to the practice of hath Yoga.

This concept of Sages was originated in India which can pave the way for anyone to achieve supreme peace.

Moreover, They were acted as good teachers for common people and often guided them and resolved their problems.

A true Sage refers to a pure soul who has divine characters i.e. Brahma Aacharan (ब्रह्म के अनुकूल आचरण) . We will also talk about Celibacy(ब्रह्मचर्य) some other day.

Seven Chakras

These Sages were enlightened enough to given someone a boon or a curse to someone that can become true in the life of a person a day.

By becoming a Sage a person can achieve Supreme divinity and Peace.

Ancient Indian Scientists

Ancient Indian Astronomy

India was far ahead than any country in the world is the field of Mathematics and Science. today I am going to prove this with evidences.

It was believed in many countries included India ( Note that I am not talking about modern era) that Sun revolve around the Earth but in a part of the Rigveda the text SRI AITAREY BRAHMANAM told us first time that Sun never rises and never sets means Sun do not revolve around our earth.

it is informed in the Vishnu Purana that Sun always remains Stationery.

In the Rigveda and Yajur Veda, It is told that not Sun but Our Earth revolves around the Sun. Apart from this, the fact that our Earth is slightly flattened at the poles is also mentioned. They also admits that this universe has many Suns embedded in it and Moon do not have its own light but shines because of Sun's light. Now you people be like this much only? Well have some patience. They also knew that Sunlight is composed of seven colours and Sky appears blue because of the Scattering of light. Rigveda also mentions about the Lunar and Solar eclipse Phenomena that how they take place. By these discoveries you can imagine their abilities and deep knowledge but this is only the starting.

Now let us take a look at the book SURYA SIDDHANTA written by Aryabhatta about 1600 years ago. In this book, orbits and positions of Planets and Stars were calculated. Apart from this, Diameters of several Planest are mentioned in this book. Diameter of our earth is estimated to 12,874 km in Surya siddhanta and according to the modern calculations, our earth's Diameter is 12,742 km. Their calculations are praise worthy, right? My question to you is how they discovered such things without any instrument?.....Who said you they did not used to use any instrument. there were severel Yantras they used to calculate these tings. Some of them are - Gnomon, Water Clock, Yasti yantras, Ghati Yantra, Gola Yantra,etc. This book also tells us about the different shapes or patterns formed by stars i.e. Constellations and their distance from the respective planets. According to this book, Our Earth takes 365.26 days to complete a revolution around the Sun and according to the modern calculations it takes 365.2564 days. Similarly Moon takes 27.32166 days to complete one revolution around the Sun and its actual vale is 27.322 days means both calculations are accurate.

Another book written by Arybhatta is Aryabhatiya in which he explained Heliocentric model - thousands years before Nicolaus Copernicus. He also stated that Earth rotates around an axis and revolves around the Sun in an elliptical orbit and other planets also do the same.

According to Aryabhatta, the time that Earth take to rotate around the Sun 158 crore 22 lakh 37 thousand 500 rotations, in the same time Moon rotates 5 crore 77 lakh 53 thousands 336 times around the Earth. The ratio of time periods is calculated in Aryabhatiya to be 27.396469 which matches modern ratio completely. This ratio is called Fundamental Astronomical Ratio.

There was a great Astronomer and Astrologist Varahmihira(6th Century). He was one among Nine gems of the court of the King Vikramaditya. In his books Panchsiddhanta and Brahsamhita He mentioned many things about movement of Planets and Constellations. In his books, he also written about Astrology (Sanskrit: ज्योतिष). Jyotish is the technique and one of the mysterious things to understand.

According to jyotish there are nine planets (मंगल, बुध, बृहस्पति, शुक्र, और शनि, सूर्य, चंद्रमा, राहू और केतु ) which influences the life of the people on the earth. You may be thinking what about the planets Uranus and Neptune? Did they knew about them or not? And Why they have taken Sun and Moon in the list of planets? Did they not know that Sun and Moon are not planets?..............Wait........ I will answer these questions now only in this article, Remember I said these Navgrahas are what that influences our life and according to the jyotish Sun and the moon influences our life therefore they are included in the list of Navgrahas. Rahu and Ketu are two different positions of the Moon. However, this is true that they did not know about Uranus and Neptune because they can't be seen without telescopes but....... wait a minute......India is not known Vishguru and mysterious because of these discoveries only........but Maharshi Vyas (Mahbaharata Era 5000 years ago) discovered about the three planets Uranus(श्वेत), Neptune(श्याम), Pluto(तीक्ष्ण) in his epic Mahabharata. Isn't It Amazing? How theses Sages were able to do that? They were able to do that with the help of hath yoga (Ancient Yoga). We will talk about these questions some other day.

1400 years ago, Brahmgupta calculated the circumference of the earth to be equal to 5,000 yojana and according to the book by Aryabhatta Surya Siddhanta, 1 Yojana=8 Yojana. Therefore, Circumference will be 40,000 km and according to the modern calculations it is nearly 40,075 km. You tell me how accurate these calculations were.

A great astronomer of 12th century Bhaskaracharya mentioned about the seasonal changes that occur because of the revolution of the earth around the Sun. He also mentioned in the book about the law of gravitaion in his - centuries before Newton.

In our ancient texts, it is written that there are Suns in all directions of the universe. That means they knew that Stars that they used to see are actually the Suns of other Solar systems and our Sun is a star only.

Varahamihira, as informed earlier he was one of the nine gems of the court of King Vikramaditya in 6th century, Predicted water on mars-1500 years ago from now.

If we talk in the Field of chemistry, Maharshi Kanad discovered the Atomic theory 2,600 years of Dalton of England

Apart from these books, several Observatories were set up to research on Astronomy.


Ancient Indian mathematics

I want to ask you a question?  Who invented Calculus?  Who invented Zero? Who gave the world the concept of Negative numbers ?  Where was priciple of Induction first discovered ?  Who invented Pythagoras theorem first?  Where was Combinatorics invented?

These all were invented in India thousands years ahead of the west but the credit goes to the western people, Why?

India can be called the world's largest contributor to mathematics in vedic era as well as modern era.

Baudhayan - Who knew pythagoras theorem 1,000 years ago when it was discovered by pyhagoras.

Mahaviracharya - First Mathematician to generalize the formulas of Permutations and combinations.

Brahmagupta - Discoverer of Negative numbers and derived theorems related to cyclic quadrilaterals and circles.

These are major discoveries of them. Apart from these there were many discoveries and significant works of these legends.


Contribution in the approximation of pi

Aryabhatta is among the mathematicians who brought new deductions and theories in mathematics and astronomy. His contribution to the mathematics is unmatched and cannot be ignored, as he was the one who deduced the approximate value of pi, which he found it to be 3.14. He also derived the correct formulas for calculating the areas of triangles and circles. He also played a very important role in the formation of the table of Sines.

His role in the place value system

He also played a very major role in determining the place value system and discovering the zero. He also worked on the summation series of square roots and cube roots. He is also regarded as the first to use zero in the place value system. He also calculated the sidereal rotation, which is the rotation of the earth in relation to the fixed stars. His theories and deductions formed the base of the trigonometry and algebra.

For his extraordinary works and contributions to mathematics and astronomy, India’s first satellite was named as Aryabhatta. Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences near Nainital and the Aryabhatta Knowledge University in Patna, in India are also named after him.

Medical Science

patanjali Aayurveda

What today Doctors Do?

They just give you some medicines to take and you become healthy in few days but what about the side effects of these medicines.

Some common examples mild adverse effects related to drugs include:


Skin rash or dermatitis




Dry mouth



They never tells you that how to lead a disease free life and what your day schedule be like. only very few or personal doctors of yours tells these things to you. why? Because my friends you have to understand that this is business, they just want to make profit and earn more & more money to lead a luxurious life. They do not care about your luxury.

Our Medical Science is miraculous thing I can say. It includes the text Ayurveda which is referred to as Mother of all healings? It focuses on prevention because prevention is far far better than cure. The most amazing thing about this text is this. It is environment friendly and medicines are prepared by the different jadi bootis (plants and herbs) only wihout any harm on nature and the legacy of Ayurveda is that these jai bootis do not have side effects on us or have very slight.

Why Indians have less discoveries? Why Indians get lesser Nobel prizes compared to other countries? How Europeans converted this land of Sages to the land of ordinary people?

When Britishers came to India to do the business but soon entered into the politics of our country. By following Divide an Rule Policy, they ruled our whole country. What they needed is cheap labour and people which can be used as workers and can be their good servants. That's why they closed our gurukula System which focused on the child's overall development and taught Vedas to the Students which are more advanced even than today's science and contains the real truth of life. The legacy of the gurukula system was it was nature friendly and student was taught surrounded by the nature. Students have to remain far from home to learn in Gurukula till thy reach 25 years of age.

What britishers did? They introduced a schooling system which had coursebooks which didn't had any stories of our brave warriors an dphilosophers like Maharana Pratap, Chhatrapati Shivaji, Chhatrpati Sambhaji Raje, Swami Vivekanda, Swami Dyanada Saraswati, The Great Gama, Ramprasad bismil, Bhagat Singh, Subhas Chandra Bose, Chnadrasekhar Azad, etc. are hidden from those books?

Britishers hidden the concept of Brahmacharya from our books and Yoga also which helped them ruining this Golden Bird and Land of Sages because A country's future lies in its Education System and what things are taught to them. This is the Reason Why Indians get less noble prizes nowadayas and  have less scientists but I hope this internet will spread the truth among you - the youths of the country.

At last I want to ask you a questions why our coursebooks in schools do not have our real history that is about Maharana Pratap, Chhatrapati Shivaji, Chhatrpati Sambhaji Raje, Swami Vivekanda, Swami Dyanada Saraswati, The Great Gama, Ramprasad bismil, Bhagat Singh, Subhas Chandra Bose, Chnadrasekhar Azad, etc. are hidden from those books? Thses people are great legends and symbols of Wisdom, Courage and strength. then why the youths are prevented to take inspirations from these legends? Why????????